Pressure therapy is a healing treatment that has been used for many years. Many believe that it is effective only for skin imperfections, but that’s not the case. Nowadays pressure therapy is recognized by doctors as necessary for treating certain disorders of the venous and lymphatic systems. The key benefits, that will be further explained later, promote venous and lymphatic drainage in the targeted areas. Drainage allows, for example, to reduce swelling and edemas. Other important benefits are vasodilation and anti-thrombotic effect.
What is Pressure Therapy?
Pressure therapy is a medical treatment that compresses arms and legs and simulates massage movements. The treatment is done with special devices (called applicators) that provide a pre-programmed intermittent compressing and de-compressing massage. The applicators completely wrap around the targeted area.
Therapy Goals
The goal of pressure therapy is to reduce issues linked to swollen and sore legs, edemas, varicose veins, ulcers (etc.) caused by venous insufficiency. Pressure therapy also helps with conditions linked to the lymphatic system (called lymph stasis), the most common of which is lymphedema.
This condition, for example, causes fluid and protein build-up in the interstitial spaces of the tissues which often deform legs, giving discomfort and an unaesthetic appearance due to swelling.
The aim of pressure therapy is to help the transport of fluids inside the body thus normalizing the venous circulation and reducing the lymph stasis. In other words, pressure therapy helps prevent conditions linked to the accumulation of fluids.
In fact, pressure therapy supports or completely substitutes the natural movement of fluids when dealing with venous and/or lymphatic disorders. Because these fluids travel through veins and lymphatic vessels, going from arms and legs to the heart, the correct cycle has a distal and proximal direction.
This is the reason why among all treatments, the most common is sequential compression therapy, which inflates and deflates the chambers of the applicators one by one, from the periphery of the targeted area to its base. This simulates a circulatory massage and allows to drain stagnant fluids within the limb.
How does Pressure Therapy work?
The applicators (leggings, arm sleeves, abdominal belts, etc.) are made up by pneumo-compression chambers that inflate generating a controlled compression on the targeted body parts (limbs and abdomen). The various parameters are set and activated by an electronic-mechanical-pneumatic device that supplies the air flow at the right pressure, inflating and deflating the various chambers intermittently and sequentially.
Main Therapeutic Indications
Pressure therapy treatment is indicated for the following conditions:
- Lymphedema
- Hematomas
- Treating Hematomas due to surgery
- Post-phlebitic syndrome
- Venous insufficiency
- Post-thrombotic syndrome
- Venous stasis
- Cellulite treatment in its initial stage
- Heavy legs
- Negative compression in venous conditions
- Post-surgical prophylaxis in venous thrombotic surgery
- Chronic diffuse venous edema
- Lipedema
- DVT prevention
Pressure therapy cannot be done if you suffer from the following conditions:
- Acute venous inflammation
- Deep vein thrombosis
- Malignant neoplasm
- Erysipelas
- Acute skin inflammation
- Arterial occlusion
Duration Of Treatment
Pressure therapy treatment last at least 30 minutes and usually never go over 2 hours. The total number of sessions can vary significantly based on the type and severity of the condition treated.
Book your treatment

XLNT S.r.l.
Aesthetic & Cosmetic Unit
by Dr. Giovanni Turra
via Manzoni 4F
25030 – Rudiano (Bs)
C.F. e P. IVA 04176040980